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Finding Faith Within: How to Build Self Trust

As part two of our Finding Faith Within series, we explore the notion of self-trust- where it comes from, how to recognize it, and how to build it into a robust compass for our journey here on earth.


The Inner Sanctuary of Self-Trust

At the heart of finding faith within ourselves lies the powerful, and sometimes intimidating, notion of self-trust. It is the unshakable belief that you possess the inner resources to weather any storm and emerge stronger on the other side. To build self-trust we must cultivate our inner voice, embrace our vulnerabilities, and begin to see the patterns of strength that emerge when we step into our power and trust our intuition.


Cultivating Our Inner Voice

In a world filled with constant noise and external influences, it’s so easy to lose touch with our inner voice – the guiding wisdom that resides within each of us. That inner voice, or our intuition is, in a very real way, how our subconscious and conscious minds communicate with one another. It is the direct perception of truth, absent our interpretation through the filters of our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. Because it is unfiltered and unbiased, our inner voice is a powerful tool, that can help us navigate all manner of challenges, make decisions aligned with our truest path, and help us define and refine our most authentic self.

When we begin our lives, we trust our intuition. We reach toward things, we explore the world with very few limitations. When we want something, we cry. When we see something shiny, we look at it for hours. When we are tired, we sleep, regardless of the setting or circumstance. But over time, we learn to lean away from our innate cues and gravitate to the rules and guidelines that are “acceptable.” We trust authority figures more than our intuition. Just as it took time for us to learn the societal norms we now live by, re-learning to trust this inner voice can be a journey. Let’s explore how we can begin to harness the wisdom within.


Listening for that Small Voice

The first step towards trusting our inner voice is to hear it. We must carve out moments of stillness and solitude so that we can hear its whisper. Meditation, journaling, breathwork, or even a simple walk in nature, can help us calm the racing mind and attune to our intuition. It takes practice to quiet the external noise we have become accustomed to. By actively listening to our thoughts, feelings, and sensations, we can begin to discern the subtle whispers of our intuition. Try this quick grounding meditation and see how your thoughts slow down as you focus your energies in one direction.

(LINK to Meditation)


Recognize How Intuition Manifests

Once we can hear that voice, we can start to recognize the signs it represents. Intuition manifests in a myriad of ways. Sometimes, it may arise as a strong feeling of certainty or a gentle nudge in a particular direction. Other times, it may appear as a sense of unease or discomfort, warning us to reconsider a decision. Learning to decipher these signals is a gradual process that involves paying attention to our emotions, physical sensations, and the overall energy surrounding us. The more we attune to, acknowledge, and act upon these signs, the more we reflect the outcome of our decisions based upon that wisdom, and the stronger our trust in that innate wisdom becomes.


Embrace Vulnerabilities

It sounds glib to say we simply need to act upon our intuitive inclinations, but the truth is most human beings live in a state of resistance. We resist our reality. We feel like where we are, isn’t where we should be. We resist our emotions – we feel we can’t show them to others, and some we shouldn’t even allow ourselves to experience. We resist speaking our truth so that we won’t be judged for it. We resist making changes in our lives – even if we think they offer a better reality than we have, we resist change so we can avoid the discomfort of the transition. The important distinction here is that we are not resisting the end result, we are resisting the journey from here to there. And with all this resistance built into our day-to-day existence, it’s no small wonder we have a hard time trusting our inner voice when it speaks to us. Listening to this voice, believing it has our best interests at heart, and stepping out in faith often requires us to leave our comfort zones and embrace vulnerability.


Build Self Trust

Understand that learning to trust this inner voice is simple, but far from easy. Having the faith and courage to follow our instincts can be a difficult hurdle, especially when that instinct contradicts societal norms or the opinions of those around us. The path to building self trust is seldom flawless either. We are sure to make mistakes or encounter setbacks along the way. However, these experiences are invaluable opportunities for growth and learning. It’s important to remember that our inner voice is unique to each of us, shaped by our experiences, values, beliefs, and desires. By honoring our authentic selves, approaching challenges with self-compassion, and valuing the lessons and experiences that have created us, we empower our inner voice to guide us toward a path that aligns with our truest identity and purpose.

Learning to trust your inner voice is a transformative process, one that can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life. By tuning into our intuition, recognizing its signs, and embracing vulnerability, we turn the key to unlock our powerful inner resourcefulness. This quiet force aids us in decision-making and self-discovery, as well as self-determination. When we make the time to listen, we begin to build self-trust and let that small voice lead us toward a life aligned with our true purpose. The more you try it, the more you’ll trust in it.

If you want to delve deeper into connecting with your intuition, join us for the “Mind to Heart Harmony” workshop. Next up in installment three, we’ll take a look at the seasons of life and how we can nurture our inner garden to create a healthy self that will blossom and grow with confidence.