Hale + Harmony

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Gentle Skin-Healing Body Wash

The skin is one of our largest organs, covering roughly 22 square feet of surface. And that matters, because what we put a lot on our skin to protect it, clean it, or moisturize it. But what goes on our bodies ends up in our bodies too. Just as we take care to eat and drink nourishing foods to sustain a healthy vibrance, we can take a look at what ingredients we’re absorbing through our skin from soaps, cosmetics, and lotions or cremes.

One stroll down the aisle at the grocery store, one look at what is in some of my old favorite body washes, and I quickly made the switch to homemade soaps. This gentle skin-healing body wash is fantastic for a soft, gentle cleanse and can be used daily.

The raw honey is great for helping skin heal naturally. Some of the active constituents are antimicrobial and have been used as a topical treatment for wounds and infections. Its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and photoprotective properties also make this a great addition.

I chose Castille soap because it’s made from nourishing oils rather than the many toxic chemicals in most body wash I found. It’s also biodegradable, so it’s as good for the planet as it is for your skin. I also like suds, and I wanted something that wouldn’t strip the natural oils from my skin, leaving it dry and itchy after a shower. Castille soap was a perfect solution. Plenty of suds and skin that feels clean but soft. To further reduce itchy dry skin and further promote the healing benefits of this concoction, a dab of vitamin E oil rounds out this recipe for a skin-nourishing shower.


  • 1/2 cup raw honey

  • 1/2 cup Castille soap

  • 1 tsp Vitamin E

  • 1/4 cup Almond Oil

  • 30-40 drops Essential oil

Heat the honey gently to bring it into liquid state, then add vitamin E oil and Almond oil. Stir to combine before adding in the Castille soap, then stir again. Now you have a base to add your essential oils to.

You can add whatever combination of essential oil scents you choose. Just be sure not to add more than 50 drops total or it could imbalance the ratio of essential oils to carrier oils and could cause irritation. Remember that essential oils are a concentrated form of the plant, and can overwhelm the skin if applied too liberally. It is always best, even with the highest grade of essential oils, to keep to 1-2% dilution.

I mix the ingredients in a mixing bowl them pour into plastic squeeze bottles and place in the shower. Note that you will need to shake the ingredients before each use, as oils will separate while sitting.

Some favorite combinations:

On the Sweet Side

15 drops bamboo

15 drops ylang ylang

15 drops sweet pea

Bright and Sunny

15 drops of lemongrass

15 drops sweet orange

10 drops cedarwood

Suds of Calming

10 drops vetiver

10 drops lavender

10 drops bergamot

10 drops sandalwood

Play around and see which scents you fall in love with. And don’t be afraid to change it up from season to season.