Finding Faith Within: Accepting What Is

Life is a journey, filled with joy and hardship, triumph and tribulation. At times, it feels utterly out of balance, our life pendulum skewed toward one side or the other. When we find ourselves facing adversity, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and lost in doubt, fear, or despair. However, it's during these times that accepting what is can serve as a beacon of hope and strength.

We, as human beings, love to live in resistance. But, resistance causes tension rather than releasing it. Progress cannot be made by contracting or holding in. We can only stride forward into the light when we open up, and take a step forward. By embracing acceptance of who we are, where we are in our journey, and what we want, we take that first brave step toward creating the life, joy, freedom, and purpose we dream of. Acceptance does not mean surrendering to circumstances; rather, it means acknowledging what is, and finding the inner fortitude to forge ahead. Let’s explore why embracing acceptance serves us, by looking at the importance of maintaining hope, setting meaningful goals, and envisioning a brighter future as we navigate our way through life.


Lesley at window with hope

Maintaining Hope

Accepting what is starts with recognizing our vulnerability. It's the realization that we, like all humans, are not immune to life's challenges. Our vulnerability doesn't make us weak; it makes us authentic. We expend so much energy guarding ourselves from the rest of the world, even from those closest to us, so that they don’t see who we are at our core. We fear their judgment because we judge ourselves. When we embrace of our own vulnerability, and release the judgment around it, we begin to breathe more expansively, dream bigger, laugh more often, and discover a bonanza of energy we can redirect towards other purposes. We begin to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It might be faint, and the path to reach it may be littered with obstacles and challenges, but there is a path there.  Allowing ourselves to acknowledge the light and see the path is the first step toward understanding that the darkness of doubt and despair can coexist with the glimmer of faith within ourselves. This acknowledgment can be incredibly liberating, allowing us to face difficulties head-on. That glimmer on the horizon is hope, reminding us that even in our darkest inner space, we are worthy and lovable and cherished, and guiding us toward the possibility of a better tomorrow. This hope becomes our motivation and resilience.


each goal a stepping stone

Setting Goals

As we accept what is and embrace who we are, it's crucial to set meaningful goals that provide us with a sense of purpose and momentum. Rather than wallowing in the reality, we need to seek direction towards something to avoid getting stuck in the mire. Remember that path? Goals are how we navigate it. Goals are simple, sustainable changes that seem meager, but add up to substantial change over time. A health coach or life coach can really help us break those big goals into small digestible pieces, and craft a map that allows those smaller pieces to move us forward, gaining momentum with each success and fostering sustainable progress. Whether these goals are personal or professional, they can be the driving force that keeps us moving forward, step by step, serving as the milestones that mark our journey towards that brighter future.


Envisioning the Ideal

What is that brighter future? That is as unique as each of us. We all have our very own desires, wishes, dreams for our ideal life. Envisioning that ideal life is a powerful tool for getting us there. It's about painting a mental picture of the life we want to create, the person we want to become, even when the present bears little resemblance. Whether we create a physical vision board, write out a vision statement, or record a message from our future selves, honing in on the specifics of that life – how it feels, smells, sounds, and how we feel inhabiting it – is like planning a grand vacation trip.  Creating a vision of our bright future is the very moment we begin shaping our own narrative. When we know what we are working for, it fuels our determination and keeps us focused on the potential for personal growth and newfound wisdom. That vision acts as a North Star, guiding us through the turbulence of adversity.

mountaintop vision

Accepting what is has nothing to do with resigning ourselves to people’s actions, to our circumstances, to our lot in life. Rather, embracing acceptance is about acknowledging these aspects of our reality and finding the strength to push beyond. It’s about not allowing outside forces to block our progress or keep us limited and held back from what we truly want, or want to be.

Know there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that in acknowledging our vulnerability, we possess the power to shape our own narrative. In the face of life's trials, we must look within, find hope, set meaningful goals, and envision a brighter future. The transformative power of acceptance can lead to personal growth, newfound wisdom, and a deeper, unshakeable faith in the incredible potential within ourselves. Remember, it's through the darkness that we can find our own bright light.


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